
“I personally found best support from Nebero Systems among all the service providers I have ever dealt with. I am amazed at how perfectly your team always respond to queries that we have. You gave perfect solution for our requirements. Your wonderful service is what any company should strive towards. Happy to recommend your products and services.”

“We were having bandwidth issues in our organization, our monthly quota of 100GB was consumed within 15-20 days and after that the Internet link used to operate at 512 Kbps vis-à-vis 2Mbps plan. After installing Nebero this issue got resolved and now there is no network chocking and bandwidth wastage. Now I can monitor what is happening, who is doing what and how much is upoad and download traffic for each link? I was able to restrict unnecessary downloads and saved huge on monthly Internet bills. I am impressed with the output and return on investment, thanks for such a wonderful product.”

“Being a premier healthcare service provider in the country, we were looking for top-notch software product to safeguard our network at gateway level and secure mission critical applications. We evaluated various products; and we chose Nebero Systems product due to its advance level features and next-generation firewall capabilities. Web filtering, bandwidth management, ant-virus and anti-spam solutions are put together brilliantly and met our stringent quality control standards & procedures.”

“Our worldwide customers and partners were annoyed with us till the point we had not deployed Nebero Mail Server. Within few days of implementation of the mailing solution, we received appreciations from all corners. Besides the product, 24x7 support services offered by Nebero Systems is very helpful.”

“Nebero Systems VPN solution is very beneficial for companies having multiple office locations globally. We were able to provide office-to-office and user-to-office SSL VPN connection to users. In few cases IPSec and Mobile VPN was also configured to meet the requirements. In all we are very satisfied by the products and solutions offered by Nebero Systems. Best of luck!”

“The day we met Nebero Systems team, we felt relieved with their approach to solve our business problem. Best part of it, they have deep understanding of how the networks work and what should be done to provide scalable solution. Nebero Systems took less than a week to implement, configure and test the solution with 100 live users. The response we received from our clients was tremendous and today we are immensely pleased to recommend Nebero Systems to any company who is looking for Internet gateway level solutions.”

"We have been using Nebero for about three years now and this is the only software I have used with a lifetime support contract. We use Nebero for bandwidth management and firewall. Considering the cost for bandwidth upgrade, we have been able to optimize bandwidth usage with the click of a button rather than having to upgrade our bandwidth as the staff strength increases. Now we no longer have a staff that can hold on to network bandwidth using a torrent application. Also, using Nebero we have been able to create different usage profiles for different class of users on the network."